14 February 2023
18 October 2022
BFM CAIJIN 开门见商:婚庆过程的重中之重是婚照妆造 Precious Wedding 筑圆新婚梦
Presenter 张康祺
10 February 2023
中国报 粉红社头条:—度经营不善卖密 她不放弃重新入股在当老板
Reporter 黄雪仪
9 November 2022
9 October 2022
A resort-style bungalow studio for your precious wedding photos, anyone?
By Eynez Syazmeena
14 September 2022
Lokasi Terbaru Untuk Photoshoot Kahwin Nampak Lebih Mewah & Magikal
By Eynez Syazmeena
As Malaysia’s homegrown TOP 10 bridal studio, we are proud to have served thousands of newly wed couples. Today, Precious Wedding is a thriving bridal photography business with 70+ employees, and our commitment to providing exceptional service remains as strong as ever. We have grown stronger and tighter and have a bigger dream this coming year! It is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and a passion for what you do.
For press opportunities, please email us at hellopreciouswedding@gmail.com